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The Journey So Far


Sept 25 

35th anniversay of the crash. Launch of the idea to have a fitting memorial in place at the crash site. Good interest, media coverage.

Dec 4

-9 of us formed an informal committee to discuss our strategy and approach to have the memorial become a reality. We identified the location of where we wanted the memorial to be built, which is the triangle at Boundary and Felton.  -Recognized the need to have good communication vehicles with the neighbors of North Park about our intentions.

-Set up a website.

-Decided to have a design competition and open it to local architect schools, landscape architects, individuals.

Dec 20 

-Members of PSA 182 Committee met with Anthony Bernal and Adrian Granda to get initial feedback - main feedback was to get community support. Start with NP Planning Committee

Feb 5

-Committee meeting:Identified tasks to be done: Passing out flyers, walking neighborhood and gathering signatures on petition,Letter of Intent Mailer, Set up Indiegogo account, Gather photos/personal stories for website, Set up neighborhood meeting for March 26 at 7 pm at St. Patrick's

Feb 12 - Met with North Park Planning Committee, Public Facilities subcommittee to present concept for memorial. Great support.

Feb 17 - Call with committee to discuss plan for walk about and flyer mailer, communication plan, and agenda for Mar 26 meeting

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